Have you ever been so overwhelmed by what’s in front of you that you end up taking no action at all?

It’s normal to overthink sometimes.

But when it starts to hinder your productivity, it’s a problem.

What is Overthinking?

Overthinking is defined as “…to think too much about (something), to put too much time into thinking about or analyzing (something) in a way that is more harmful than helpful”.

Seemingly simple tasks can take forever or never get done at all.

While it can be helpful to have a boss setting deadlines for you, that’s not feasible for freelancers or small business owners.

I’ve been freelancing for years. Freelancing requires me to set my own schedule, strategize for myself and my clients, and deliver quality products on time and on budget.

There is no one telling me what to do. No one watching over my shoulder. It’s all up to me.

Sometimes I look at everything I have on my plate and wonder how on earth I’m going to get it done.

Sometimes I’m close to ending up with analysis paralysis.

You’ve met people like that, right? Maybe you even notice some of that in yourself?

What Is Analysis Paralysis?

Analysis paralysis may be at play for you when you find yourself taking forever to do something that’s seemingly simple.

For example, you know you have to post something on your business Facebook page. But there are so many options. You could post a quote or a video or something about your services… But which one? And what’s the best time to post? And what’s your blurb going to say? And which hashtags should you use? And should you cross-post to Instagram? And if so, should you change your hashtags?

It’s all so overwhelming. So you do nothing. Or, you decide what to post and when, but you have no idea what you will say in your blurb. You spend all morning crafting your blurb and you’re just not happy with it, so you don’t even post it at all. Either way, you wasted far too much time. You’re stuck in analysis paralysis.

How Does Overthinking Affect Your Work?

When you’re overthinking and paralyzed by analysis paralysis, you’re not working efficiently. You’re wasting time and therefore money. Your productivity is at an all-time low. You’re feeling anxious as you ruminate about all the things you need to accomplish. Meanwhile, nothing gets done and your unfinished work keeps piling up.

How To Stop Overthinking

This is probably not a one-time thing. You probably have a habit of overthinking in all aspects of your life.

You’re also probably a perfectionist.

Don’t worry – you’re going to be okay. Try these tools to help get you through the rough patches.

Recognize when you’re overthinking. When you pay attention to your mindset and workflow, you’ll know when your analysis paralysis is starting to set in.

Acknowledge it and make a decision. You may be plagued by indecision. This is the time to lay that to rest. Go with your gut and trust yourself. Even if you ultimately end up making the “wrong” decision, you took action and you’ll learn from it. So you can never really lose. Think of it this way – most of your daily decisions aren’t that important to begin with.

The role of perfectionism and fear of failure. Overthinking is often driven by perfectionism. You’re afraid you’ll make the wrong decision. You’re worried what people will think. You’re worried that people will judge you. You have to get over this. You’re never going to be perfect – not in your work life and not in your personal life. It’s impossible. Stop trying and move forward.

Rewrite your narrative. You don’t have to be plagued by analysis paralysis forever. This doesn’t have to be who you are. You can reframe your reactions through mindfulness and practice.

Recognize your indecision and practice being decisive. Decisions will eventually come more naturally. Practice not being perfect. Quick actions will force you to become more efficient. Practice being uncomfortable. It will become more natural for you and you will eventually break through barriers you never thought possible.

Be The Solution

You have something to offer. When you’re too busy overthinking, no one will ever get to learn what you have to contribute. No one will ever get to hear your voice. Don’t let that happen.

When you stop overthinking, the sky is the limit. You’re not crippled by fear anymore. When you focus on solutions, possibilities abound.

Go forth and be productive!

Sources: Psychology Today, Tony Robbins

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